
What is bullying? Bullying is when someone is being hurt either by words or actions on purpose and can lead to violence. Bulling usually happens more than once and people have a hard time stopping it. Bullying can either be physical-punching, kicking, ect. or just yelling or name-calling. Cyber bulling is when someone is bulling you over the internet (social media, texting.). For example a bully could go on social media and post a picture saying, " I hate the way you dress. Your just a ball of trash." and tag you in it. Bulling is being done intentionally and bullies could get in serious trouble.


The Difference Between Bullying and Teasing

Teasing and bullying, aren't they the same thing? Not exactly. There are small difference between the two but they can be confused with one another. These are the differences between teasing and bullying.

Bullying can be hurtful. The bully isn't just playing, they are trying to embarrass and critize the victim. Bullies aren't playing around. They are trying to be mean.

The Difference

Teasing becomes bullying when:

  • When the teasing turns from affectionate to hostile
  • There is a power imbalance: the person teasing has more power among peers compared to the person being teased.
  • The teasing occurs repeatedly
  • The child who is teasing means to upset or hurt the child being teased
  • The child being teases is upset or hurt by the interaction
